Document Type : Original Article
گروه آموزش معارف اسلامی، دانشگاه فرهنگیان، تهران، ایران.
The Quran’s perspective on the rulings concerning eating and drinking is not limited to permissibility and prohibition; rather, it adopts an educational approach aimed at drawing closer to God, spiritual elevation, and achieving human perfection. Understanding this Quranic perspective is a prerequisite for delving into the discussions of educational jurisprudence, an emerging field of research that addresses the permissible and impermissible aspects of Islamic law impacting education. The present research aims to identify the types of rulings related to eating and drinking in the Quran to extract their descriptive model and understand the related educational implications. To achieve this purpose and due to the multifaceted nature of this article, the research method combines descriptive phenomenology in the stage of referring to the Quranic verses, data analysis and coding using a grounded theory strategy with MAXQDA software in three stages: open coding, axial coding, and selective coding, and the method of inference from principles in the section on educational implications for specialized courses.
The research findings indicate the existence of 59 open codes related to the jurisprudence of eating and drinking in the Quranic verses, categorized into three selective codes: desirable and commendable, permissible and obligatory, and reprehensible and forbidden. In the next stage, the three aforementioned categories are further divided into two axial codes in each section: eating and drinking. Finally, the research data are inferred into eight educational principles.
Main Subjects
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