Educational jurisprudence
Complete the conflict of interest form and the authors commitment form (click to get the form)

The conflict form and the commitment letter form should be completed by the esteemed author and (its photo) should be sent along with the original article.


 Form of assignment of material and intellectual rights


I: (Name of responsible author)

Author of the article: (Article title)

 I certify and commit that:

نماد «مورد تأیید انجمن»
This article has not previously been published in any domestic or foreign journals.
This article has been sent to the journal "Studies of Educational Jurisprudence" only for review and publication, and the article will not be sent to another journal until the end of the review and judging of the article and the announcement of the final opinion of the quarterly.
During the implementation of this research and the preparation of the article, all national laws and principles of professional ethics related to the subject of research, including the rights of subjects, organizations and institutions, as well as authors and authors have been observed.
This article has been prepared and written as a result of the research activities of me and my colleagues, which are listed below, and the rights of all those who have somehow participated and collaborated in the implementation of this research have been observed.

All material and intellectual rights of this article are transferred to the journal.
 Name of the first author Date of signature

 Name of the second author Date of signature

 Name of the third author Date of signature

 Name of the next author Date of signature


 Please copy and sign the relevant forms on a page and save the scanned file or photo file of the signed form along with your article file on the journal website.