Educational jurisprudence
The submitted article should have an appropriate structure including title, abstract, keywords, introduction, main body, conclusion and list of sources, based on the following descriptions:

 1. Abstract

The Persian abstract of the article (along with the English abstract) should be at least 150 and at most 250 words and should contain the problem, research goal and research findings.

 2. Keywords

A minimum of three and a maximum of seven content-related keywords that act as the subject index of the article.


The introduction of the article includes the issue of research, background, necessity and importance of research, aspect of discussion innovation, main and secondary questions, overview of the general structure of the article based on main and secondary questions and explanation of research concepts.

4. Original text

The main text of the article should refer to one of the following axes:

A) Presenter of new scientific theory and findings;
B) a new interpretation of a theory;
C) provide a new argument for a theory;
D) Presenting a comprehensive scientific critique of a theory.

 It is also necessary to observe the following points in the main body of the article:

A) The nature, dimensions and angles of the problem are well described and analyzed;
B) The research background and innovation aspect should be specified in the article;
C) Opinions and views are documented, analyzed and analyzed;
D) rival theories are reasonably criticized and evaluated;
E) The selected point of view and the results of the research should be explained in a logical and reasoned manner.

5. Conclusion

The result represents the detailed findings of the research, which are expressed in the form of concise news statements.
In this part, refrain from mentioning the problem statement, introductory topics, stating the structure of the topics, arguments, documents, mentioning examples or extraneous materials.

 6. Refer and adjust the list of sources

A) References in the text should be in-text (APA).

B) Complete bibliographic information of sources and references including Persian, Arabic and Latin at the end of the article with the alphabetical training of the surnames of the authors based on the following method:

 Book: surname and name of the author (year of publication), name of the book (translation or research), volume number, date of publication, place of publication and publisher.

 Article: Surname and author's name (year of publication), "Article name", journal name, journal number and page number.

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