Memorandum of Scientific Cooperation between the Journal of Educational Jurisprudence Studies and the Scientific Association of Islamic Education
Memorandum of Scientific Cooperation between the Journal of Educational Jurisprudence Studies and the Scientific Association of Islamic Education
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Information on indexing the articles of the Journal of Educational Jurisprudence in national and international indexes
For information on indexing the journal of educational jurisprudence in national and international indexes, refer to the banks and indexes section of the journal.
Indexing of the Journal of Educational Jurisprudence in the Academia Index
With the aim of international publication and orientation towards receiving the first world indexes such as WOS, ISI and Scopus, the articles of the journal of educational jurisprudence were indexed in Academia.
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Index of articles in the Journal of Educational Jurisprudence in Google Scholar
With the aim of international publishing and orientation towards receiving the first global indexes such as WOS, ISI and Scopus, the articles of the Journal of Educational Jurisprudence were indexed in Google Scholar.