Educational jurisprudence

Document Type : Original Article


PhD, Department of Educational Jurisprudence, Higher Education Complex for Jurisprudence, Al-Mustafa University, Pakistan.



Islamic education encompasses various dimensions, and political education is one of the most significant of these aspects. Among the factors influencing education, alongside families and scholars, are the rulers. A government can foresee and design necessary policies for the growth of the people in various fields, including political development, and it can plan effectively to achieve political education. Given the government’s role in exercising political power over the people and the interests of an Islamic government in preparing the populace to align with and cooperate towards achieving its lofty objectives, political education of the citizens holds special importance and priority. The question arises: Does Islamic jurisprudence impose a duty on the government to provide political education? What are the limits of this responsibility? This paper employs an analytical and jurisprudential methodology to present legal arguments demonstrating that one of the obligatory duties of an Islamic government is the political education of society. Overall, political education is a matter of priority, with some evidence suggesting that its ruling is a communal obligation, while other evidence indicates it is an individual and definite obligation. Furthermore, according to other sources, at least its desirability can be inferred. If the prerequisites and groundwork for “government planning in the political education of society” are considered, fulfilling those duties would also represent an obligatory responsibility of the Islamic government.


Main Subjects

* The Holy Quran.
* Nahjul-Balagha.
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