Educational jurisprudence

Document Type : Original Article


Director of El Hadi Seminary



The primary objective of all heavenly religions, especially Islam, is the education of humanity. The Holy Quran and the Hadiths are replete with educational teachings and provide a comprehensive educational program for all people at all times, places, and spheres of life. In this era, where educational issues have become increasingly complex and extensive, the educational teachings of Islam have not yet been fully articulated as an independent body of knowledge capable of providing an effective framework for addressing these issues. Developing this body of knowledge requires attention to all discussions and components of education, which necessitates presenting a complete, logical, and cohesive structure. Although existing works on Islamic education have proposed a structure for their texts, their primary concern has not been to clarify the structure and theorize about it. Furthermore, they do not encompass all the components of knowledge structure, and their methods have not been comprehensive ijtihad.
This research, utilizing analytical and descriptive methods, aims to elucidate the structure and interrelationships of the components while critiquing and reviewing others’ perspectives. The key findings indicate that the logic governing the components of education shows a specific relationship among them, wherein foundational principles and objectives direct all components and the principles governing the methods. The other components are related to these three and take shape in relation to them. The components of educational knowledge include: foundations, objectives, principles, methods, factors, barriers, effects, stages, dimensions, and programs.


Main Subjects

* The Holy Quran
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Internet Resources
45. Imam Khomeini Institute Education Group: http://tarbiyati. iki. ac. ir/node/147
46. Routledge Encyclopedia: https://www. rep. routledge. com/about
47. Supreme Council for Cultural Revolution, Theoretical Foundations of Fundamental Change in the System of Formal Public Education and Training of the Islamic Republic of Iran (2011). Tehran: Viewed at:
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49. Rashad, Ali Akbar, The Logic of Classification of Humanities, available at:
50. Institute of Illumination and Mysticism: http://www.