Educational jurisprudence

Document Type : Original Article


1 Member of the Educational Jurisprudence Department, Imam Reza Institute of Higher Education, Qom, Iran

2 Educational Jurisprudence Department of Al-Mustafa International University of Qom



Today, most social activities are carried out in a cohesive and organized manner, within the framework of teamwork and organizations, as addressing the diverse and multiple needs of society necessitates group work. Individual actions lack the necessary efficiency and effectiveness or are less impactful. Although the prevailing approach to education is often centered around individual and teacher-student interactions, the reality is that achieving comprehensive education requires the implementation of cohesive group actions, planning, coordination, and management. In other words, the effectiveness and efficiency of group actions themselves require proper and principled management. Therefore, it is essential to present the principle of group actions and their management within the realm of educational jurisprudence to determine their rulings.
Accordingly, the main question of this research is: What is the ruling on group actions and their management in the field of education from the perspective of educational jurisprudence? This article aims to answer the above question through an ijtihad method, describing and analyzing the relevant textual evidence. Important findings of this research include the “preference for creating coordination among educational factors due to synergy and increased efficiency and effectiveness of educational actions, the recommendation for public participation in education, and the necessity of managing educational factors based on rational evidence.”


Main Subjects

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