Educational jurisprudence

Document Type : Original Article


1 Theology and Islamic thought (Islamic jurisprudence and fundamentals of Islamic law) Faculty of Islamic Sciences and Researches Imam Khomeini International University (IKIU) Qazvin Iran

2 Masumieh Qom Institute of Higher Education, Qom, Iran



Islam’s intellectual system for achieving an Islamic civilization, which is the basis for the Islamic upbringing of individuals, comprises three areas: knowledge, values, and actions. In this regard, it is necessary that certain key words in this educational system are expressed in the form of propositions of educational jurisprudence to clarify the path for the obligated person, whether mujtahid (independent jurist) or muqallid (follower), or educator and educated in any educational system. Based on this, this research, using a content analysis method and the MAXQDA 2020 software, seeks to answer the question of how the meaning of taqwa in the hadiths affects the components of the educational system; namely, the educator, the educated, the goals of education, and the educational methods within the epistemological framework of educational jurisprudence.
Taqwa, as an intermediate goal in educational jurisprudence, must first be a description of behavior and then an attribute of the educator. Then, through the implementation of various educational methods, such as good tidings and warnings by explaining the effects of taqwa, utilizing similes of taqwa, connecting taqwa to the love of the Prophet (peace be upon him) and the Imams (peace be upon them), presenting examples of taqwa in the hadiths, and providing a clear picture of taqwa using other words or concepts and practical training, it becomes a description of behavior and then an educational attribute of the educated. This is because educational jurisprudence seeks to identify the effective components in guidance and education and training. As a result of this process, it will be proven that acquiring taqwa is the obligation of the obligated person, whether educator and educated, or mujtahid and muqallid, so that the realization of the higher goals of transcendent governance and ultimately, the achievement of an Islamic civilization becomes possible.


Main Subjects

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