Educational jurisprudence

Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD student, Department of Educational Jurisprudence, Al-Mustafa University, Qom, Iran

2 Professor of Jurisprudence and Principles of Qom Seminary, Al-Mustafa University, Qom, Iran.



The growing number of kindergartens and their sometimes inappropriate content in certain regions of the country has raised concerns for parents and authorities. The preliminary question is what Islam’s stance on kindergartens is and whether the establishment and increasing prevalence of them will harm children’s upbringing, especially their religious education. Moreover, the main question is whether, if kindergartens are generally approved in Islam, there are any references in Islam and its primary texts that can guide the determination of kindergarten curricula.
Based on the findings of this paper, the operational goals of education, which are prerequisites for kindergarten educational content, encompass at least seven educational dimensions. The methodology employed in this article is rooted in the well-recognized method of the seminary schools, which is jurisprudential. In this way, the researcher examines verses and narrations and, using foundational jurisprudential principles, discovers the rulings related to various subjects, both normative and descriptive. The main proposal of this paper is that seminary schools should address this issue as a priority topic given their intellectual and spiritual capabilities, and practical models should be developed in collaboration with the education system.


Main Subjects

* The Holy Quran
* Nahjul Balagha
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